The Pageturning Report: January 2024
Outlining my YA fantasy novel. Christian themes in The Dark Crystal. My current reading list. And more!
Works in progress
Accountability group (epic fantasy novel)
As January of 2024 comes to a close, I finally find myself with a working outline and plot synopsis for my teen/young adult fantasy novel — the first in a planned series of adventures inspired by The Lord of the Rings, Arthurian myth, and the videogame series The Legend of Zelda.
My book coach Katelin Cummins taught me the Blueprint for a Book method for outlining. This process has really been a game-changer in how I plan my story arcs. If you want to follow along with my writing process week-by-week, I’ve been writing an exclusive series of posts called “A Novel Endeavor” for my paid subscribers.
Middle grade nonfiction
After consulting with my book editor, I decided to put my middle grade nonfiction manuscript through another round of revisions. The opening paragraphs especially needed the additional work. I’m pleased to report that the manuscript is in much better shape than it was when I first submitted it.
I expect to receive one more round of copyedits. As far as I’m aware, the book is still on track to be published some time in 2025. Watch this space for all the latest updates!
Dragon book
In October 2023 I announced that I was working on a new children’s book about dragons! I completed a draft in the final quarter of last year. I plan to pitch this book to a publisher at the Catholic Writers Guild online conference at the end of February.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll put the draft through some more revisions and finish formatting the manuscript. I’ve also been writing up a formal book proposal that I intend to have ready by the time of the time of the conference.
Voyage Comics
The Dark Crystal and the Sinful, Schismatic Skeksis
Myths and fairytales often reflect the Great Story of salvation that God is creating. The story of the Skeksis and the Mystics [in The Dark Crystal] reminds us in a powerful way of the destructive influence of sin in our lives, in our communities, and in our world.
Busted Halo
3 Spiritual New Year’s Resolutions Inspired by St. John the Apostle
Saint John’s feast day falls on December 27, during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, when most people are thinking of their intentions for the year to come. I’ve never had much luck with traditional New Year’s resolutions. . . Perhaps I’ve been taking the wrong approach. Christ told his disciples to “Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matt. 6:33). So, I’m setting a spiritual resolution for 2024: emulate Saint John by cultivating a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ in three ways. . . .
Podcast life
The Secrets of Middle-Earth
It’s been over twenty years since Peter Jackson's groundbreaking Lord of the Rings film trilogy! In this episode, we focus on The Fellowship of the Ring. I join Jeff Haecker and Alix Murray to share our experiences of the film; the highlights, including Boromir's redemptive death; its cultural impact; controversies about changes from the books; and more!
The Secrets of Star Wars
Dive into the LEGO Star Wars animated series Droid Tales — I join Robert King and Kathryn Laffrey to discuss its humor, nostalgia, and deeper emotional connections with the Star Wars universe. We explore themes of friendship, loyalty, and ethics and the character development of C-3PO.
The Secrets of Movies & TV Shows
The animated epic Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of my favorite television series of all time! It’s known and loved for its rich mythology, fascinating character arcs, and profound themes. I join Robert King, Kathryn Laffrey, and Jeff Haecker to discuss how the show appeals to all ages, and the important themes of unity, balance, and the journey toward self-awareness and acceptance.
What does the final Indiana Jones movie have to tell us about getting older and facing our mortality? I join Dom Bettinelli and Shelly Kelly to discuss the real-life “Dial of Destiny”, what makes a great Indy movie, the beauty of love and forgiveness, and much more!
Reading life
Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit by Henri Nouwen
Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith by Henri Nouwen
The Catholic Social Teaching Collection ed. Matthew Becklo and Daniel Seseke
Present Concerns: Journalistic Essays by C.S. Lewis
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien: Revised and Expanded Edition ed. Humphrey Carpenter and Christopher Tolkien
The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us by Steve Brusatte
Thanks so much for following Pageturning. I hope to see this little author newsletter grow into a genuine community over the next twelve months. If you have any suggestions about what you’d like to see from me in 2024, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!
And please consider sharing this post with anyone you think might be interested in the writing and podcasting I do. Until next time, take care, God bless, and happy reading!
Fantastic work, Thomas ✨