As the year draws to a close, it’s natural to reflect on what you’ve accomplished over the past twelve months and to start setting goals for the year to come. I’ve decided to apply this to my creative endeavors here on Substack.
Firstly, thanks to everyone who’s read and supported this little newsletter through all the ups and downs! From the beginning, I’ve wrestled with finding a focus for my Substack content. I’ve even changed the name of the project a few times. The Pageturning brand is here to stay. I’ll continue to post the monthly Pageturning Report roundups for the time being. Ideally, I’d like to begin posting weekly content. But achieving that goal will require both discipline and planning on my part.
I’m constantly inspired by my friends and peers on this platform. The thoughtful essays by
, , , and others encourage and motivate me to improve my craft and make Pageturning the best it can be.But what does that look like? From the beginning this has been an author newsletter. My tagline currently promises Musings about books, writing, and the creative life. Does what I’m doing now really fit that description? If not, should I change the tagline to better reflect my evolving vision for Pageturning?
I’ve read that the one of the best things a creative can do in these periods of reflection is to write a specific mission statement. My goal over the next week or two will be to journal about my writing mission. What is my mission? How does Pageturning fit in? Should I continue to promote my freelance writing and podcasting here?
On the other hand, one of my priorities for 2025 is to begin writing more original fiction like my friends
, , and . I recently posted an excerpt from my work-in-progress paranormal thriller. I have more story ideas than I know what to do with. But is Substack the right place for them?Unfortunately, I don’t have answers for these questions—not yet. But you can help me! I’d love to hear from you, my readers: What do you most enjoy about my writing? What would you like to see from me in the future? Any insights you could share would be incredibly helpful to me as I discern the best direction to take this newsletter.
I’ll end this reflection here, but I’ll keep you updated about any changes (large or small) that I decide to make to Pageturning. I want my presence here on Substack to better reflect who I am as a creative person. The journey has only just begun! I hope you’ll stick with me.
This is why I opened two Substacks; I wanted to reach a different audience with inspired Angela than with The Inspired Life.
IA only publishes twice per month, whereas with TIL the email goes out weekly. Both have wiggle room regarding the content, but I'm clear with the audience for each and what I'm trying to achieve with each.
That really helps me to focus, but it also benefits the reader. They know what to expect, so the subscription makes sense to them.
Just a brain dump... Hope it helps! The important thing is to choose what interests and motivates you to write. Your audience can tell when you're posting just to post.
I don't exactly have a mission statement, just a line from my About page that sticks with me. Now, I need to come up with a pithy tagline for my business cards! In regards to your Delta Station story, I think it's a perfect fit for Substack.